Celebrating the achievements of the £33M UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Programme

Policy Impact and Support

Policy Impact

UKRI TAS Programme recognises the importance of providing a source of objective, policy-relevant insight around autonomous systems for government and policymakers. We run several activities to support policy setting in Trustworthy Autonomous Systems:


Policy Support

Our ambition is to deliver world-leading best practices for the design, regulation and operation of socially beneficial autonomous systems, which are both trustworthy in principle and trusted in practice by individuals, society, and government, and industry.


To fulfil this ambition, TAS researchers need to engage with the government at the early stages of their projects and plan for their activities. In this section, you will learn about different ways in which research can achieve policy impact and of the resources available to you at your host institutions (for King’s College London, University of Southampton and University of Nottingham researchers).


Here is some guidance on how to engage with policy in your research, plus some useful links for policy training: