Celebrating the achievements of the £33M UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Programme

Journal of Responsible Technology Special Issue

An essential concept for the development of socially beneficial trustworthy autonomous systems (TAS) is responsibility in the context of research and innovation. The framing of responsibility itself can be confusing – often mistaken as liability or research ethics – and challenging when actioned into practice. Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) provides governance frameworks and tools for engaging in a process of care and responsiveness. However, what does it mean to be responsible and responsive within TAS? This special issue focuses on RRI in practice; for example, how have RRI action plans been deployed successfully in TAS studies? What are the main challenges and issues around engagement? What can we learn from challenges cases and best RRI practices? Find out more in this special issue of the Journal of Responsible Technology (Oct 2022) “Reflections on Responsible Research and Innovation for Trustworthy Autonomous Systems”.