Celebrating the achievements of the £33M UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Programme

Policy engagement with research projects

There are a number of ways to engage policy with your research projects. Your engagement should be captured and reported through Research Fish using the Hub’s grant number: EP/V00784X/1.


The table below (sourced from REF 2014,) illustrates examples of policy engagement and what can be captured. It’s excellent practice to keep notes of any policy engagement, even if its immediate impact is not apparent. If you’re unsure, please contact Dr Justyna Lisinska, Research Fellow, The Policy Institute, King’s College London.


Policy Impact OccurrenceMeasurable feature
Response to a consultationCitation of the TAS Hub in a government report
Legislative change, development of a legal principle or effect on legal practiceQualitiative feedback from participants or attendees at research events
Research recommendations are taken up by policymakers through membership of a government advisory committeeTestimonials from members, committees, or officials, where available
Attending meetings with government officialsTestimonials and case studies
Being appointed to head government advisory committeeTestimonials, case studies and meeting minutes

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