REFORMIST: Mirrored decision support fRamEwork FOR Multidisciplinary Teams in Oesophageal cancer

Using Machine Learning to ensure that cancer treatment decisions are data-driven, for better patient outcomes and health equality

Lead Contact: Dr Ganesh Vigneswaran, NIHR Clinical Lecturer in Interventional Radiology, University of Southampton

Embodied trust in TAS: robots, dance, different bodies

Working with professional dancers with differing disabilities, this project explores the idea of deeply embodied trust in autonomous systems through a process of bringing expert moving bodies into harmony with robots

Lead Contact: Professor Sarah Whatley, Director and Professor, Centre for Dance Research, Coventry University

Trustworthy and Useful Tools for Mobile Phone Extraction

Combining expertise in software development and digital forensics with Responsible Innovation activities to address a crisis of trust and practice in mobile phone extraction for criminal investigations.

Lead Contact: Helena Webb, Transitional Assistant Professor, University of Nottingham

Delivering Trustworthy Electoral Oversight:

Developing an Automated Analysis of Electoral Spending Disclosures in the UK

Investigating how electoral regulators and management bodies can benefit from using automated systems to better analyse and administer elections. It is widely accepted that democratic elections should be both free and fair, but also that citizens believe that elections exhibit these traits.

Lead Contact: Sam Power, Senior Lecturer in Politics, University of Sussex

Mapping trustworthy systems for RAS in social care (MAP-RAS)

Following on from a previous project using Lego Serious Play, we now seek to move from the imaginary to the concrete by concentrating on an actual robot to help with dressing which is under development. We’ll investigate how this might integrate within the existing health-social care ecosystem in the UK.

Lead Contact: Stevienna de Saille, Lecturer in Sociology, University of Sheffield

InterNET ZERO: Towards Resource Responsible Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

Harnessing interdisciplinary methods from across Design, Human Computing Interaction and Science & Technology Studies research, we will collaborate closely with a range of stakeholders to rethink current AS infrastructures and anticipate resilient and efficient digital energy transition pathways for Resource Responsible Trustworthy Autonomous Systems design.

Lead Contact: Dr Michael Stead, Lecturer in Sustainable Design, Lancaster University

Co-designing Inclusive and Trustworthy Conversational Agents on Basic Services with Older Adults (CA4OA)

Studying with interdisciplinary approaches how design choices of Conversational Agents (CAs) (modality, embodiment, anthropomorphism) and Older Adults’ mental models, attributes (e.g., gender) and conditions (e.g., loneliness) are related to trust in CAs.

Lead Contact: Professor Effie Lai-Chong Law, Professor of Computer Science, Durham University

Autonomous Systems for Forest ProtEctioN (ASPEN)

Developing an integrated framework for the autonomous detection, diagnosis and treatment of tree pests and diseases, and trialling key components.

Lead Contact: Dr Norman Dandy, Director of the Sir William Roberts Centre for Sustainable Land Use, Bangor University

Harnessing trust and acceptance in Human-AI Partnerships (HANA-HAIP)

Replacing human decision making with machine decision making results in challenges associated with stakeholders’ trust in autonomous systems.

Lead contact: Dr Asieh Salehi Fathabadi, Senior Research Fellow, University of Southampton

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