TAS ECR Network

Dr Ayodeji Abioye
Dr Ayodeji Abioye is a Research Fellow in Human-Swarm Interaction at the University of Southampton.
Research Discipline:
- Robotics
Research Interests:
Aerial Robotics, Human-Swarm Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Swarm Robotics, Heterogeneous Swarms, Autonomous Systems, AI and Machine Learning.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Dr Yi Dong
Dr Yi Dong is a New Frontiers Fellow at The University of Southampton.
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Trustworthy AI, Responsible AI, Safeguarding of LLMs, Distributed Optimization, Multi-agent Systems.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Jayati Deshmukh
Jayati Deshmukh is a Senior Research Assistant Responsible AI at the University of Southampton.
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Multi-Agent Systems, Responsible AI, Network Science, Game Theory.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Eike Schneiders
Eike Schneiders is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the Mixed Reality Laboratory at the University of Nottingham
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Joshua Crook
Joshua is a Research Fellow in Responsible AI at the University of Southampton
Research Discipline:
- Law
Research Interests:
Policy and Governance, Law and Technology, Consumer Rights Law, Skills Mapping, Legal Education, AI Laws, Data Protection, Legal Philosophy, Law and Literature
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Justyna Lisinska
Justyna is a Research Fellow at the Policy Institute, King’s College London
Research Discipline:
- Web Science / Social Science
Research Interests:
Human-Computer Interaction, User Research, Online Discussion (Polarisation, Fake News, Deep Fakes), Unintended Consequences, Technological Developments and their impact on society, and policy issues needed to be addressed due to implementing some technological solutions or already implemented.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Luke Moffat
Luke is a Research Associate at Lancaster University
Research Discipline:
- Sociology
Research Interests:
Ethics of Technology, Relational Critiques of Autonomous Systems, Ethical AI, and Social Impact of Automation
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Security Node

Mohammad Naiseh
Mohammad is a PhD candidate in the Department of Computing and Informatics, Bournemouth University
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Explainable AI, Human-Computer Interaction, Quantitative Analysis, Qualitative Analysis, Autonomous Vehicles, Swarm-Robotics, Trust.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Arianna Manzini
Arianna is a Wellcome Trust-funded DPhil student at the University of Oxford
Research Discipline:
- Ethics
Research Interests:
I am passionate about investigating ethical concerns that arise from the development and deployment of autonomous systems. I investigate these concerns from the perspective of a range of stakeholders, including developers, end users and industry partners. I am also interested in public engagement with research.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Functionality Node

Burak Yuksek
Burak is a Research Fellow in Secure Trustworthy Autonomous Systems at Cranfield University
Research Discipline:
- Aerospace
Research Interests:
Flight Control Systems, Adaptive Control, Artificial Intelligence, Reinforcement Learning, Mission Planning
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Security Node

Elias Deutscher
Elias is an Associate Professor in Competition Law and Intellectual Property at the University of East Anglia
Research Discipline:
- Law, Regulation
Research Interests:
Competition Law, EU Law, IP Law, Regulation of Digital Markets, Theories of Regulation, Risk-Based Regulation, Political Theory, and Ethics
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Ayse Kucukyilmaz
Ayse is an assistant professor in Computer Science at the University of Nottingham
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Robotics, Haptics, Human-Robot Interaction, Machine Learning
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Jennifer Williams
Jennifer is a Research Fellow at the University of Southampton
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Speech Signal Processing, Speech Synthesis, Speech Technology for Smart Buildings, Speech Privacy/Security, Occupant Comfort in Buildings
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump Priming Project

William Payre
William is an Assistant Professor in Transport Design and Human Factors at Coventry University
Research Discipline:
- Psychology, Human Factors Applied To Transportation
Research Interests:
Psychology, Transportation, Ergonomics, Human Factors, Automotive, Automation, Trust, Acceptance, Behaviour, Attitudes
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump Priming Project

Lauren White
Lauren isa Lecturer in Social Research Methods at the University of Sheffield
Research Discipline:
- Social Science / Sociology
Research Interests:
Critical Disability Studies, Creative And Participatory Research Methods, Sociology of the Body, Experiences of Health and Illness, Public Engagement
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump Priming Project

Marta Romeo
Marta is based at the University of Manchester
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Human-Robot Interaction, Human Behaviour Understanding, Socially Assistive Robotics, Social Signal Processing.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Trust Node

Bev Townsend
Bev is a Research Associate at the University of York
Research Discipline:
- Law / Ethics
Research Interests:
Resilient Autonomous Systems, Law, Ethics, Regulation
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Resilience Node

Carolyn Ten Holter
Carolyn is a Research Assistant at the University of Oxford
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science/ Social Science
Research Interests:
Responsible Innovation, Governance, Commercialisation, Qualitative Research, And Policy
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
Responsibility Project

Peter Winter
Peter is a Research Associate and the University of Bristol
Research Discipline:
- Social Science
Research Interests:
Science And Technology Studies, Technology Development, Regulation, Ethnomethodology, Computer Supported Cooperative Work, Human-Computer Interaction, Human-Robot Interaction, Digital Twins, Computer-Vision, Critical Data Studies, Data Work Practices
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Functionality Node

Chuang Yu
Chuang is a Post-doctoral Researcher at the University of Manchester
Research Discipline:
- Robotics, Human-Robot Interaction, CS, Deep Learning, Reinforcement Learning
Research Interests:
Reinforcement Learning, Human Modeling, XAI, and Trust
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Trust Node

Helen Smith
Helen is a Research Associate at the University of Bristol
Research Discipline:
- Ethics, Healthcare
Research Interests:
Ethics/Law Of AI And Clinical Decision-Making
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Functionality Node

Daria Onitiu
Daria is a research associate based at the University of Edinburgh
Research Discipline:
- Law
Research Interests:
AI In Health; Social &Amp; Interactional Implications Of AI; AI Governance; Accountability and Responsibility Medical Diagnostic Systems, Explainability
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Governance and Regulation Node

Peter Craigon
Peter is a Research Fellow based at the University of Nottingham
Research Discipline:
- Multidisciplinary
Research Interests:
History, Animal Behaviour, Science and Technology Studies, Food, Research Ethics and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) including developing tools and approaches to help stakeholders engage with issues of ethics and responsibility
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump priming project

Jeremie Clos
Jeremie is an assistant professor based at the University of Nottingham
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Natural Language Processing, Detection Of Misinformation, Argumentation Mining, Applications Of NLP to Mental Health
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Hub, TAS point of contact

Jacopo Castellini
Jacopo is a research fellow based at the University of East Anglia
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Reinforcement Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, Multi-Agent Systems, Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning, Deep Learning, Neural Networks, Game Theory
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump Priming Project

Peta Masters
Peta is a research fellow based at King’s College London
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Artificial Intelligence, Deception, Goal Recognition, Planning, Adversarial Reasoning
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Peter McKenna
Peter is a research fellow based at Heriot-Watt University
Research Discipline:
- Psychology
Research Interests:
Human-Robot Interaction, Trust, Autism-Spectrum Disorder, and Data Science
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Trust Node

Mohammed Al-Nuaimi
Mohammed is a research fellow based at the University of Sheffield
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Assistive Dressing Robots, Computer Vision, Robots, Control, Human-Robot Interaction
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Resilience Node

Xinwei Fang
Xinwei is a research fellow based at the University of York
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Data Science, Runtime Adaptation, Situational Awareness, Uncertainty Management
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Resilience Node, TAS point of contact

Elinor Carmi
Elinor is an Assistant Professor at City University, London
Research Discipline:
- Social Sciences
Research Interests:
Data Politics, Feminist Approaches to Ddata, Internet Governance, Internet Standards
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump Priming Project, TAS Point of Contact

Dr David Bossens
Dr David Bossens is a Senior Scientist at Centre for Frontier AI Research, A*STAR.
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Reinforcement Learning, Safety, Machine Learning, Robotics
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Pepita Barnard
Pepita is a research fellow based at the University of Nottingham
Research Discipline:
- Human Factors
Research Interests:
Human-Robot Interaction, Including The Subfields Of Child Robot Interaction, Animal Robot Interaction, Human Factors, Robot Morphology, Dynamics, Haptics, Telepresence, Simulated Environments, Natural Language And Gestures, Recovery From Failure, and Privacy Preservation. International Collaborations, Multi-, Inter- And Trans-Disciplinary Ethics, Co-Production, Research And Development.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):

Mujeeb Ahmed
Mujeeb is an Assistant Professor at the University of Strathclyde
Research Discipline:
- Computer science
Research Interests:
Security and Privacy, Industrial Internet of things, Cyber Physical Systems Security, Real time systems security
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS pump priming project, TAS point of contact

Dhaminda Abeywickrama
Dhaminda is a senior research associate based at the University of Bristol
Research Discipline:
- Computer Science
Research Interests:
Specification, Autonomous Systems
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Functionality Node

Francesco Del Duchetto
Francesco is as Assistant Professor at the University of Lincoln
Research Discipline:
- Robotics and Autonomous Systems
Research Interests:
I work in the intersection between Human-Robot Interaction, Machine Learning and Robot Autonomy. The aim of my research is to make robots more robust and autonomous by learning from the interactions with humans in real-world deployments
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Pump Priming Project, TAS Point of Contact

Liz Dowthwaite
Liz is a senior research fellow based at the University of Nottingham
Research Discipline:
- Psychology
Research Interests:
I'm interested in how motivation, human values, and attitudes relate to behaviour, particularly surrounding online participation and interaction with technology, and how human autonomy can be enhanced or undermined by autonomous systems.
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Hub, TAS Point of Contact

Carlos Gavidia-Calderon
Carlos is a research fellow at the Open University
Research Discipline:
- Software engineering
Research Interests:
game theory; autonomous systems; ant colony optimization; reinforcement learning; mining software repositories
Affiliation (Hub/Node):
TAS Resilience Node