Motivated by RRI, this project aims at providing an open-source platform that is suitable for experimentation with a large group of semi-autonomous systems that can be monitored and controlled by a few human operators.

Vector of a man working with a robot sitting at table. Symbol of future cooperation and technology advance

Our interface will be: (1) understandable: so that operators can monitor the state of the autonomous systems with minimal effort and training, (2) scalable: such that the performance of the system is not bound to any specific number of agents, (3) highly usable: so that the platform can easily be used for online experimentation, and (4) maintainable: such that researchers and developers can build upon the existing code or tailor the platform to their specific needs and domains of application.

Project Team

Meet Our Project Team

Mohammad D Soorati

University of Southampton

Lead Contact

Ayodeji Abioye

University of Southampton


Gopal Ramchurn

University of Southampton

William Hunt

William Hunt

PhD Student
University of Southampton


Jack Ryan

PhD Student
University of Southampton


Sidharth Shah

Software Developer
Fafadia Tech

Industry Partner

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