Submit your activities to Researchfish

Feb 21, 2023

The submission window is now open for the TAS Programme to submit your activities, outputs and outcomes to ResearchFish using the Hub’s grant number EP/V00784X/1.


The top-level outcomes as listed on Researchfish are:

  1. Publications
  2. Collaborations and Partnerships
  3. Further Funding
  4. Next Destination
  5. Engagement Activities
  6. Influence on policy, practice, patients and the public
  7. Research Tools and Methods
  8. Research Datasets, Databases and Models
  9. Intellectual Property and Licensing
  10. Medical Products, Interventions, and Clinical Trials
  11. Artistic and Creative Products
  12. Software and Technical Products
  13. Spin Outs
  14. Awards and Recognition
  15. Other Outputs.Outcomes
  16. Use of Facilities and Resources