Project Blog | Intersectional Approaches to Design and Deployment of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

Aug 01, 2022

Read the project blog from the Intersectional Approaches to Design and Deployment of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems, project team


“Being able to work through the nitty-gritty of maritime autonomous technology design is tough enough, but asking a team to figure out how to solve historical inequalities at the same time is a big ask. But, it is a challenge that our project team is working to address. One thing that helps us in this endeavour is having a multi-disciplinary team that shares a passion for positive change. We each bring something unique to the design and development of Trustworthy Autonomous systems (TAS) because we have different perspectives – we are social scientists, feminists, information scientists, health informatics researchers, AI experts, human geographers, and cyberneticists. We are working across two sectors: maritime and health, which also helps us to bring in diverse expertise across the project. Working with partners that also share our passion for change, who have a responsibility to serve the public, and who are in a position to influence change is another key way that we hope is setting us up for success.”


Project Blog | Intersectional Approaches to Design and Deployment of Trustworthy Autonomous Systems