Agile projects announced

Feb 15, 2021

We're congratulating the six Agile projects that will commence in 2021 to inform and complement the Nodes' research.

The projects have either already commenced or are due to start in 2021.

The projects cover multi-disciplinary research into human-robot teams, autonomous vehicles, human-swarm robotics, Socio-Technical Natural Language Processing (NLP), and healthcare.

The call for bids was announced in September 2020. With 11 submissions received, the Hub-internal peer reviewers followed a rigorous yet fair selection process, to make sure the selected projects speak to the Hub's overarching grand challenges.

Agile projects 2021

Chatty Car

Designing an exemplar, socially responsible, anthropomorphised, natural language interface for automated vehicles…read more

SafeSpacesNLP: Behaviour classification NLP in a socio-technical AI setting for online harmful behaviours for children and young people

Exploring the use of Socio-Technical Natural Language Processing (NLP) for classifying behavioural online harms within online forum posts (e.g. bullying; drugs & alcohol abuse; gendered harassment; self-harm), especially for young people…read more

Inclusive autonomous vehicles: the role of human risks perception and trust narratives

Investigating the mechanisms that can address consumers’ concerns when relinquishing human control to autonomous vehicles…read more

Trustworthy human-robot teams

Exploring different aspects related to trust within and towards human-robot teams in two essential tasks: surgery and cleaning…read more

Trustworthy human-swarm partnerships in extreme environments

Understanding and testing the contextual factors and technical approaches underlying trustworthy human-swarm teams…read more 

Trustworthy autonomous systems to support healthcare experiences (TAS for Health)

Exploring how trustworthy autonomous systems can support value-based joint decision-making in healthcare settings…read more